The Gem Journey Kit Notes

My life’s work, now in Kit form, is complete and ready to be used. The Kit includes all my published materials – videos, audios and written copy – everything I believe you will need to understand and teach the curriculum. The curriculum did not happen overnight. It’s the result of a life time of refinement […]
Stories that change lives

Since the beginning of everything, storytelling has been the most effective and influential means of human interaction that has evolved and has been refined throughout history. Before the world turned into a global town, humans sailing across the oceans, marching through the lands and summiting the mountain peaks would share their endeavours in narratives about […]
You can teach your children how to achieve their best selves…

Please take a few minutes to watch my introductory video below. This will give you a great overview of TSI and my books. As listeners take the TSI journey, they enter the world of the young hero and, through reflection on his struggles, gain foundational understandings that form a basis for healthy thinking, positive attitudes […]
Mental Health Counties Manukau ‘Our People’ Profile

I have worked for Child & Adolescent Mental Health services as a Family Therapist since February 1996. Yes, I started last century.
Twenty four years later I’m still working with young people all over South Auckland.
Major lessons of the Gem Journey Curriculum

At this point in my vocational career my strongest desire is teaching my students how to master the eight elements of self. Because I sincerely believe if they understand and learn to control each aspect of their lives using these lessons they will be ready and equipped to enjoy the greatest adventure of their lives, their life! The Journey offers each student the opportunity of getting to know themselves, understand themselves and learn the life skills to be in control of their lives.
Author statement

I now fully realise that my work at the mental health coal face may well be drawing to an end. I have a desire, no a passion, driven by my personal time pressure, to tell the world that the major lessons contained in the Gem Journey are the solution to much of today’s mental health dysfunction.
Ron’s Blog 2019

8/15/19 Like all my previous years 2019 has been interesting and very busy. On the 30th of August Mary and I will have been married for fifty years. My youngest grandson was born in July and my oldest Granddaughter graduated from High School and is now onto University. Time, oh good, good time where have […]
Rons Blog August 2018

Thus far 2018 has been a busy year for the Gem Journey in terms of the research project, a new set of video training modules and the on- going filming of a documentary dedicated to my work. I can’t help but be excited that ‘The Storyteller’ documentary will share the rich treasure of the Gem […]
Ron’s Blog June 2017

There are a lot of new things happening in the TSI World, I get a sense that people are really catching on to the power of my stories and the potential impact of the programme in the lives of their children, students or clients.
The Gem journey enables the acquisition of identity – by answering the questions it poses and thinking through how they would act in the situation the story’s hero finds himself in – the hearer’s discover who they are and form a personal vision of who they aspire to be. They learn to be honest with themselves and they start to believe that they can make choices that result in them becoming their best selves.
Wow …What A Run!

Wow what a run. Twenty years in a mental health agency-‘gotta say something’. I’m both mildly excited and nostalgic about moving to the Centre for Youth Health. For the majority of present Whirinaki colleagues my departure is likely a non-event because I really don’t know you nor do you know me, which is a ‘loss […]