The Major Lessons of the Gem Journey A Condensed Curriculum

This Condensed Curriculum teaches the lessons to master each Element of Self with easy-to-learn models and rules that are easy to assimilate and easy to apply. Download link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

The Gem Journey Storytellers Guide

The Storyteller’s Guide is essential to understanding and teaching the Gem Journey. Download link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

Gem of the First Water Around the Campfire Video Modules

A brand new video narration of each module of the Gem Journey. Use this for your weekly storytime sessions. Streaming link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

Gem of the First Water Video Book

In-depth instruction and explanations of the content and intent of each module, direct from the Author, Ron Phillips. Use this in combination with the Storyteller’s Guide. Streaming link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

The Gem Journey Kit

The Gem Journey comprises eight unique elements or aspects of our lives that need to be understood and mastered. This kit includes everything you will need to understand and teach the curriculum. Download link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

Gem of the First Water: Journey Guide (original version)

The Original Guide reflects my understanding of the Gem Journey during earlier days. There are awesome themes and ideas that make this Guide essential reading with special insights into the Gem Journey. The Original Guide is also included in both versions of the kit. The Original Guide like the Syllabus includes material not included in […]

Foundations of TSI

The Foundations of TSI manual is a series of essays on a variety of topics: early history, basic theory, themes, imagery, group process running and managing groups and other important information reflecting the development of the Gem Journey’s therapeutic orientation Download link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.

The Gem Journey Curriculum Syllabus

A PDF download of The Gem Journey Curriculum. If you make the Gem Journey yours then the Syllabus is essential reading. The Gem Journey Curriculum Syllabus provides background information to support the Storyteller’s Guide. Much of my thinking and the philosophy found in the Syllabus will not be covered in the Storytellers Guide. The Syllabus […]

Gem of the First Water Talking Book mp3

This audiobook begins the story of a kind of peer/hero character who finds himself in a fanciful land and embarks on a quest that will take him through many adventures and learning that develop his character, his understanding of life and his ability to have quality relationships. Download link will be sent with your order […]

The Gem of the First Water Student Workbook

A workbook for families to use in conjunction with Gem of the First Water. The workbook’s purpose is to be a personal journal for both children and adults. Download link will be sent with your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email.